[Holy Light]
Reign: God
Trait: Agility
Rarity: HN

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HN 1600 1380 14 3200 Elf Mage N 800 1120 10 650 Snowman
R 1600 1300 12 5600 Matchmaker Amadea HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Dwarf Knight
HN 1600 1390 14 3200 Splash Witch N 1140 1110 12 750 Hermit
HN 1600 1028 12 3100 Thunderbird HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Krampus
HN 1590 1400 14 3200 Demonic Sergeant N 660 1110 9 600 Lizardman
HN 1580 1410 14 3200 Butterfly Fairy HN 1140 1110 10 3000 Shaman
HN 1580 1400 14 3200 Chakram Warrior HN 1720 1100 13 3150 Evil Fishman
HN 1580 1230 13 3150 Samurai N 820 1100 10 650 Frost Fighter
HN 1580 1230 13 3150 Shisa N 1150 1100 12 750 Kunoichi Trainee
HN 1560 1430 14 3200 Phaethusa N 830 1090 10 650 Animated Corpse
HN 1540 1090 12 3100 Archangel HN 1540 1090 12 3100 Archangel
HN 1540 1450 14 3200 Demon Book HN 1160 1090 10 3000 Fairy
HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Ninja N 1160 1090 12 750 Firestarter Witch
HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Oceanic Dragoon N 1160 1090 12 750 Hamsa
HN 1530 1280 14 3200 Elven Fencer N 1160 1090 12 750 Necro Trainee
HN 1530 1460 14 3200 Fortune Fairy N 1160 1090 12 750 Woodcutter
HN 1530 1460 14 3200 Skeleton Bandit N 1160 1090 12 750 Youthful Bandit
HN 1530 1460 14 3200 Spectre N 1170 1080 12 750 Angelic Soother
HR 1520 1880 14 10700 Verdandi N 1170 1080 12 750 Bestia Estrella
HN 1510 1480 14 3200 Bandit N 1170 1080 12 750 Bunnicorn
HN 1510 1300 13 3150 Gigas N 1160 1080 12 750 Cockatrice

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