[Wing Bolt]
Reign: God
Trait: Willpower
Rarity: HN

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

R 1620 2190 16 5800 Stolas N 1180 1060 12 750 Golden Stag
HN 1620 1370 14 3200 Yeti Hunter N 1190 1060 12 750 Trainee Acolyte
HN 1610 1200 13 3150 Assassin N 1200 1050 12 750 Border Ranger
HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Homely Spirit N 1200 1050 12 750 Cave Dragon
HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Rainbow Nereid HN 1200 1050 10 3000 Dancer
HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Turned Merman HN 1200 1050 10 3000 Empusa
HN 1600 1390 14 3200 Aspidochelone N 1210 1040 12 750 Aethnicus
HN 1600 1380 14 3200 Elf Mage N 1050 1030 11 700 Lesser Daemon
R 1600 1300 12 5600 Matchmaker Amadea N 1050 1030 11 700 Ninja Trainee
HN 1600 1390 14 3200 Splash Witch N 1220 1030 12 750 Spume Slayer
HN 1600 1028 12 3100 Thunderbird HN 1600 1028 12 3100 Thunderbird
HN 1590 1400 14 3200 Demonic Sergeant N 1220 1020 12 750 Mermaid Dancer
HN 1580 1410 14 3200 Butterfly Fairy N 1230 1020 12 750 Moonlit Goddess
HN 1580 1400 14 3200 Chakram Warrior N 1220 1020 12 750 Shadow Stalker
HN 1580 1230 13 3150 Samurai N 1240 1010 12 750 Dowser Mage
HN 1580 1230 13 3150 Shisa N 1240 1010 12 750 Sandman
HN 1560 1430 14 3200 Phaethusa R 1300 1000 10 5500 Aqua
HN 1540 1090 12 3100 Archangel R 1000 1000 300 30000 Gold Dragon
HN 1540 1450 14 3200 Demon Book R 1750 1000 12 5600 Maid Seria
HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Ninja N 1240 1000 12 750 Prankster
HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Oceanic Dragoon HN 1440 1000 11 3050 Warrior

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