[Shining Quest]
Crystal Spelunker
Reign: Man
Trait: Willpower
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 780 1140 10 650 Nue N 750 1500 12 750 Coven Mistress
N 780 1140 10 650 Pirate HN 1490 1500 14 3200 Daemon
N 780 1460 12 750 Rookie Airlancer N 750 1500 12 750 Fluffytail
N 780 1460 12 750 Rookie Bighorn Fighter HN 1480 1500 14 3200 Fungus
N 780 1470 12 750 Stuffed Rabbit N 750 1500 12 750 Halloween Fairy
N 780 1470 12 750 Tenacious Ghost N 750 1500 12 750 Holy Gate
N 770 1150 10 650 Cupid N 750 1500 12 750 Lantern Mage
N 770 840 8 550 Ghost N 750 1500 12 750 Novice Marine Mage
N 770 1150 10 650 Puppeteer N 750 1500 12 750 Priest of the Cudgel
N 770 1000 9 600 Wind Elemental N 750 1500 12 750 Treasure Imp
N 760 1490 12 750 Crystal Spelunker N 760 1490 12 750 Crystal Spelunker
N 760 1490 12 750 Doc Weirdo N 760 1490 12 750 Doc Weirdo
N 760 1490 12 750 Elven Mage N 760 1490 12 750 Elven Mage
N 760 1490 12 750 Guard Dog N 760 1490 12 750 Guard Dog
N 760 1490 12 750 Jewel Eater R 1310 1490 12 5850 Guivre
N 760 1490 12 750 Novice Apothecary N 760 1490 12 750 Jewel Eater
N 760 1490 12 750 Raging Taur N 760 1490 12 750 Novice Apothecary
N 760 1490 12 750 Rookie Painter N 760 1490 12 750 Raging Taur
N 760 1490 12 750 Shield Knight N 760 1490 12 750 Rookie Painter
N 760 1490 12 750 Sister of the Earth N 760 1490 12 750 Shield Knight
N 750 1500 12 750 Coven Mistress N 760 1490 12 750 Sister of the Earth

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