[Monster Lord]
Reign: Demon
Trait: Strength
Rarity: HN

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1500 750 12 750 Dark Priest HN 1420 1570 14 3200 Treasure Hunter Maigen
N 1500 750 12 750 Man of the Cloth HN 1420 1560 14 3200 Goblin Archmage
N 1500 750 12 750 Puppet Soldier HN 1440 1550 13 3150 Gardener Martha
N 1500 750 12 750 Regrowth Elf HN 1440 1550 13 3150 Mysterian Herbalist Lalo
N 1500 750 12 750 Spearbearer Recruit HR 2350 1550 13 10600 Skull Summoner Mina
HN 1500 1480 14 3100 Trick or Treat HN 1080 1550 12 3100 Witch
N 1500 750 12 750 Wolf Ranger HN 1270 1540 13 3150 High Hermit
N 1490 760 12 750 Aiela, Dragon Knight HN 1460 1530 14 3200 Bard
HN 1490 1320 13 3150 Aquilifer HN 1460 1530 14 3200 Nereid
HN 1490 1320 13 3150 Bighorn Maiden N 750 1500 12 750 Coven Mistress
HN 1490 1500 14 3200 Daemon HN 1490 1500 14 3200 Daemon
HN 1490 1320 13 3150 Northern Warrior N 750 1500 12 750 Fluffytail
N 1490 760 12 750 Pumpkin Merchant HN 1480 1500 14 3200 Fungus
N 1490 760 12 3200 Rookie Sorceress N 750 1500 12 750 Halloween Fairy
N 1490 760 12 750 Shaman Luca N 750 1500 12 750 Holy Gate
N 1490 760 12 750 Sunshine Witch N 750 1500 12 750 Lantern Mage
N 1490 760 12 750 Wondrous Cat N 750 1500 12 750 Novice Marine Mage
N 1480 770 12 41800 Chain Devil N 750 1500 12 750 Priest of the Cudgel
N 1480 770 12 750 Chain Warden N 750 1500 12 750 Treasure Imp
HN 1480 1500 14 3200 Fungus N 760 1490 12 750 Crystal Spelunker
HN 1480 1340 13 3150 Roostork N 760 1490 12 750 Doc Weirdo

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