[Young Fangs]
Baby Wolf
Reign: God
Trait: Agility
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1420 830 12 750 Evil Crab N 1370 880 12 750 Malevolent Beast
HN 1420 1560 14 3200 Goblin Archmage N 1370 880 12 750 Marine Fairy
N 1420 820 12 750 Marine Fighter N 1370 880 12 750 Rookie Lizard Rider
N 1420 820 12 750 Relic Guardian N 1370 880 12 750 Spyrrefish
HN 1420 1210 12 3100 Treasure Hunter N 1370 880 12 750 Thunder Elemental
HN 1420 1570 14 3200 Treasure Hunter Maigen N 730 880 8 550 Unicorn
N 1410 840 12 750 Enchanted Owl N 1370 880 12 750 Vengeance Caller
N 1400 840 12 750 Axe Warrior N 1370 880 12 750 Young Bighorn Maiden
HN 1400 1420 13 3150 Doll Master N 1380 870 12 750 Mysterian Trainer Isaac
N 1400 850 12 750 Observer N 1060 860 10 650 Apprentice Mage
N 1390 860 12 750 Baby Wolf N 1390 860 12 750 Baby Wolf
HN 1390 1600 14 3200 Demon Butler N 1380 860 12 750 Felpurr of Mysteria
N 1390 860 12 750 Mad Pixie N 910 860 9 600 Halfling Lad
N 1390 860 12 750 Renegade N 1390 860 12 750 Mad Pixie
HN 1390 1600 14 3200 Sister N 1390 860 12 750 Renegade
N 1390 860 12 750 Skeletal Fish N 1390 860 12 750 Skeletal Fish
N 1390 860 12 750 Wyvern N 1390 860 12 750 Wyvern
HN 1380 1600 14 3200 Armored Lancer N 1240 850 11 700 Dark Elfling
N 1380 860 12 750 Felpurr of Mysteria N 1400 850 12 750 Observer
N 1380 870 12 750 Mysterian Trainer Isaac N 1400 840 12 750 Axe Warrior
HN 1380 1610 14 3200 Shark-Man N 600 840 7 500 Earth Elemental

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