Rookie Alchemist
Reign: Man
Trait: Intelligence
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1280 960 12 750 Avian Soldier N 1240 1010 12 750 Sandman
N 1280 960 12 750 Bow of Hearts R 1300 1000 10 5500 Aqua
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Forest Guard R 1000 1000 300 30000 Gold Dragon
HN 1280 1710 14 3200 Frost Guard R 1750 1000 12 5600 Maid Seria
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Furfur N 1240 1000 12 750 Prankster
N 1280 960 12 750 Gargoyle HN 1440 1000 11 3050 Warrior
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Giant Horseshoe Crab N 770 1000 9 600 Wind Elemental
HN 1280 1710 14 3100 Harvest Girl N 1260 990 12 750 Dark Grimoire
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Leanan Sidhe N 1260 990 12 750 Vampire Hunter
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Oasis Guard N 1270 980 12 750 Dark Elemental
N 1280 970 12 750 Rookie Alchemist N 1280 970 12 750 Rookie Alchemist
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Rotting Giant N 1280 960 12 750 Avian Soldier
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Seafarer N 1280 960 12 750 Bow of Hearts
HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Tempting Songstress N 1290 960 12 750 Frost Golem
N 1270 980 12 750 Dark Elemental N 1280 960 12 750 Gargoyle
HN 1270 1540 13 3150 High Hermit N 1290 960 12 750 Rookie Necromancer
N 1260 990 12 750 Dark Grimoire N 1300 950 12 750 Kelpie
HN 1260 1720 14 3200 Desert Rider N 1300 950 12 750 Rookie Mercenary
HN 1260 1720 14 3200 Fallen Angelspawn R 1350 950 10 5500 Trainee Amelia
HN 1260 1370 12 3100 Lancer N 1310 940 12 750 Cat Vixen
HN 1260 1720 14 3200 Merchant of Bath N 980 940 10 550 Halloween Girl

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