[Thousand Heads]
Regenerating Dragon
Reign: Demon
Trait: Strength
Rarity: SR

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

SR 3820 3430 29 21450 Summertime Lucius SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Zerk the Amnesiac
SR 3810 3440 29 0 Ded Moroz HR 2980 3090 25 11150 Delphyne
SR 3800 3450 29 21450 Sephirot HR 2580 3090 23 11150 Lovely Elf
SSR 3790 4540 32 41600 Uriel SR 4160 3090 29 21450 Lucius the Mercenary
SSR 3780 5080 34 0 Asclepius SR 3770 3080 27 21350 Archbishop of Rahad
SSR 3780 5080 34 41700 Furiae SR 3770 3080 27 0 Dragon Knight Zahar
SR 3780 3470 29 0 Mysteria Wizard Craig HR 3000 3080 25 11250 Goblin Princess
SSR 3780 5080 34 41700 Revelation Angel SR 4170 3080 29 21450 Lioness Tamer
SR 3770 3080 27 21350 Archbishop of Rahad HR 2590 3080 23 11150 Master Witch
SR 3770 3080 27 0 Dragon Knight Zahar HR 3000 3080 25 11250 Mysterian Librarian Chloe
SR 3770 3080 27 21350 Regenerating Dragon SR 3770 3080 27 21350 Regenerating Dragon
SSR 3760 5100 34 41700 Demon Witch Zira SR 4170 3080 29 0 Riot Wolf
SSR 3760 4580 32 41600 Enduring Angel HR 3200 3070 26 11300 Northern Shaman
SSR 3760 5100 34 41700 Star of the Sea HR 3020 3060 25 11250 Centurion
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Amalthea HR 3020 3060 25 11250 Hrist
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Aten HR 3020 3060 25 11250 Lizard King
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Cursed King HR 3020 3060 25 21450 Sacred Commander
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Guardian Angel HR 3020 3060 25 11250 Summertime Feathered Guardian
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Holy Knight Lucius SR 4200 3050 29 0 Anat
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Homunculus Arta SR 4200 3050 29 0 Berserk Chimera
SR 3750 3100 27 21350 Infernal General SR 4200 3050 29 21450 Camael

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