[Lashing Fire]
Flame Witch
Reign: Man
Trait: Intelligence
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1190 1060 12 750 Trainee Acolyte N 1180 1070 12 750 Hunched Robber
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Apothecary N 1180 1070 12 750 Luna Rabbit Messenger
N 1180 1070 12 750 Candy Robber HN 1180 1070 10 3000 Meliae
N 1180 1070 12 750 Cleric of Peace N 1180 1070 12 750 Morbid Medium
N 1180 1070 12 750 Cursed Stone N 1180 1070 12 750 Mysterian Rookie Tony
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Dowsing Seer N 1180 1070 12 750 Ornamented Soldier
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Dwarven Spelunker N 850 1070 11 700 Rookie Adventurer
HN 1180 1800 14 3200 Elven Lyricist N 1180 1070 12 750 Rookie Dragoon
N 1180 1070 12 750 Evil Hornet N 1180 1070 12 750 Spirit Carver
N 1180 1070 12 750 Faux Mage N 1180 1070 12 750 Zombie Seafarer
N 1180 1060 12 750 Flame Witch N 1180 1060 12 750 Flame Witch
HN 1180 1440 12 3100 Gnome N 1180 1060 12 750 Golden Stag
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Go-Between N 1190 1060 12 750 Trainee Acolyte
N 1180 1060 12 750 Golden Stag N 1200 1050 12 750 Border Ranger
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Guardian Golem N 1200 1050 12 750 Cave Dragon
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Harpy Fighter HN 1200 1050 10 3000 Dancer
N 1180 1070 12 750 Hedgehog of Mysteria HN 1200 1050 10 3000 Empusa
N 1180 1070 12 750 Hunched Robber N 1210 1040 12 750 Aethnicus
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Key Collector N 1050 1030 11 700 Lesser Daemon
N 1180 1070 12 750 Luna Rabbit Messenger N 1050 1030 11 700 Ninja Trainee
HN 1180 1070 10 3000 Meliae N 1220 1030 12 750 Spume Slayer

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