Reign: Demon
Trait: Charisma
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1050 1030 11 700 Ninja Trainee N 1500 750 12 750 Wolf Ranger
N 1050 720 9 600 Ronin N 1050 720 9 600 Ronin
HN 1040 1400 14 3050 Viking N 890 720 8 550 Thief
N 1030 890 10 650 Aigle N 560 700 6 450 Lamia
HN 1010 1430 13 3050 Sylph N 920 690 8 550 Camelot Knight
HN 1010 1430 11 3050 Vampire N 590 680 6 450 Rookie Lancer
N 1000 1080 11 700 Goblin Mage N 460 620 5 400 Kid Vampire
R 1000 1000 300 30000 Gold Dragon N 650 620 6 450 Pixie
HN 990 1450 11 3050 White Knight N 490 590 5 400 Elf Child
N 980 940 10 550 Halloween Girl N 350 530 4 350 Skeleton
N 980 460 7 500 Lilith N 980 460 7 500 Lilith
N 980 1270 12 750 Sister Initiate N 350 450 3 50 Knight
N 970 1280 12 750 Baby Felpurr N 350 450 3 50 Knight (old style)
N 970 1280 12 750 Elemental Defender N 440 440 4 350 Young Shaman
N 970 1280 12 750 Learning Smithy N 390 410 3 50 Cu Sith
N 970 1280 12 750 Novice Detective N 670 410 5 400 Fighter
N 960 1290 12 750 Maia N 370 390 2 50 Dryad
N 960 1290 12 750 Teeny Miner N 400 360 2 50 Young Dancer
N 950 1120 11 700 Jiao N 530 350 4 350 Fire Elemental
R 950 1350 10 5500 Lifeless Orchis N 470 330 3 50 Angel
N 950 1300 12 750 Mysteria Scholar Daryl N 440 320 2 50 Goblin

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