[Hairy Fellow]
Reign: Demon
Trait: Intelligence
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 850 1400 12 750 Clay Golem N 790 1460 12 750 Frozen Golem
N 850 1400 12 750 Frogman N 780 1460 12 750 Lesser Mummy
N 850 1070 11 700 Rookie Adventurer N 790 1460 12 750 Owl Man
N 840 1400 12 750 Archelon N 780 1460 12 750 Rookie Airlancer
N 840 770 8 550 Harpy Child N 780 1460 12 750 Rookie Bighorn Fighter
N 840 1410 12 750 Rookie Heavy Knight HN 1530 1460 14 3200 Skeleton Bandit
N 840 1250 11 700 Water Elemental HN 1530 1460 14 3200 Spectre
N 830 1090 10 650 Animated Corpse HN 1540 1450 14 3200 Demon Book
N 820 1100 10 650 Frost Fighter HR 1750 1450 13 10650 Dragonrider
N 800 1450 12 750 Gust Bird N 800 1450 12 750 Gust Bird
N 800 1450 12 750 Leshy N 800 1450 12 750 Leshy
N 800 1120 10 650 Snowman HN 990 1450 11 3050 White Knight
N 790 1460 12 750 Amateur Astrologist HN 1180 1440 12 3100 Gnome
N 790 1460 12 750 Angelic Patron HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Ninja
N 790 1460 12 750 Frozen Golem HN 1540 1440 14 3200 Oceanic Dragoon
N 790 1460 12 750 Owl Man HN 1560 1430 14 3200 Phaethusa
N 790 1130 10 550 Pumpkin Girl HN 1010 1430 13 3050 Sylph
N 780 1470 12 750 Abandoned Girl HN 1010 1430 11 3050 Vampire
N 780 1460 12 750 Charming Maid HN 1400 1420 13 3150 Doll Master
N 780 1470 12 750 Confusion Devil HN 1580 1410 14 3200 Butterfly Fairy
N 780 1460 12 750 Evil Fighter N 840 1410 12 750 Rookie Heavy Knight

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