[Desert Wolf]
Lupine Recruit
Reign: God
Trait: Strength
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HN 1460 1530 14 3200 Nereid N 600 840 7 500 Earth Elemental
N 1450 800 12 750 Crocowarrior N 1410 840 12 750 Enchanted Owl
N 1450 800 12 720 Elven Fighter N 770 840 8 550 Ghost
N 1450 800 12 750 Hot Spring Guard N 1420 830 12 750 Evil Crab
N 1450 800 12 750 Rookie Trooper N 1260 830 11 700 Young Gunner
N 1450 800 12 750 Runic Guardian N 1420 820 12 750 Marine Fighter
R 1450 750 10 5500 Schoolgirl Mina N 1430 820 12 750 Newbie Sailor
HN 1440 1550 13 3150 Gardener Martha N 1100 820 10 550 Pumpkin Boy
HN 1440 1370 13 3150 Halfling N 1420 820 12 750 Relic Guardian
N 1440 810 12 750 Lesser Lizardman N 1440 810 12 750 Lesser Lizardman
N 1440 810 12 750 Lupine Recruit N 1440 810 12 750 Lupine Recruit
HN 1440 1550 13 3150 Mysterian Herbalist Lalo N 1450 800 12 750 Crocowarrior
HN 1440 1000 11 3050 Warrior N 1450 800 12 720 Elven Fighter
HN 1430 1380 13 3150 Maidy Cat N 1450 800 12 750 Hot Spring Guard
N 1430 820 12 750 Newbie Sailor N 1120 800 10 650 Ice Elemental
HN 1420 1570 14 3200 Angelic Searcher N 1450 800 12 750 Rookie Trooper
N 1420 830 12 750 Evil Crab N 1450 800 12 750 Runic Guardian
HN 1420 1560 14 3200 Goblin Archmage N 640 800 7 500 Witchette
N 1420 820 12 750 Marine Fighter N 1460 790 12 750 Bone Marauder
N 1420 820 12 750 Relic Guardian N 1460 790 12 750 Forest Spirit
HN 1420 1210 12 3100 Treasure Hunter N 1460 790 12 750 Icicle Spirit

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