[God Sprite]
High Pixie
Reign: God
Trait: Agility
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

R 1980 2360 19 5950 Helios R 2460 1880 19 5950 High Fairy Healer
R 1980 1830 16 5800 Siren R 2620 1880 20 6000 Petal Nymph
R 1980 2190 18 5900 Yinglong R 2460 1880 19 5950 Pumpkin Carriage
R 1970 2370 19 5750 Jack-`o-Lantern R 2460 1880 19 5950 Sister of Punishment
R 1970 2360 19 5950 Prima Donna R 2460 1880 19 5950 Spear Giantess
R 1960 2370 19 5950 Lunar Miko R 2620 1880 20 6000 Summertime Werewolf
R 1960 2370 19 5950 Magian Girl R 2460 1880 19 5950 Unifox
R 1960 2380 19 5950 Mr. Bertrand of Mysteria HR 1520 1880 14 10700 Verdandi
R 1960 2380 19 5950 Sexy Imp R 2460 1870 19 0 Avian Birdman
R 1950 2050 17 5850 High Lancer R 2470 1870 19 5950 Evil Gladiator
R 1950 1860 16 5800 High Pixie R 1950 1860 16 5800 High Pixie
HR 1950 2450 13 10600 Silent Orchis HR 2550 1850 13 10600 Fatherless Amelia
R 1940 2580 20 6000 Flower Fairy R 2490 1850 19 5950 Frost Knight
R 1940 2390 19 0 Scorpio R 2500 1840 19 5950 Hippocampus
R 1930 2400 19 5950 Castor R 2500 1840 19 5950 Reshef
R 1930 2580 20 5950 Flower Shaman R 2500 1840 19 5950 Skeleton Viper
R 1930 2580 20 6000 Goetia Mage R 2500 1840 19 5950 Vanguard Lancer
R 1930 2580 20 6000 Hydrodemon HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Angel of Fury
R 1930 2580 20 6000 Summoner Vayle HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Angelic Armor
R 1920 2410 19 5950 Birthday Messenger HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Beacon Angel
R 1920 1880 16 5800 Daphne R 2670 1830 20 6000 Divine Cadet

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