Bubble Maker
Reign: Man
Trait: Charisma
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Summertime Gunnlod R 2450 1890 19 0 Demonic Beast
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Sweet Tooth Skeleton R 2620 1890 20 6000 Divine Hawk
HR 2630 3640 26 0 Thespian Latie R 1910 1890 16 5800 Garmr
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Thief Girl R 1920 1890 16 5800 High Shaman
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Visionary Acolyte R 2450 1890 19 6000 Lynx
HR 2630 3640 26 0 Wyllie Wisp R 2450 1890 19 5950 Marine Swordian
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Yuri of Mysteria R 2620 1890 20 6000 Stampeding Rager
R 2620 1880 20 6000 All Saints` Fairy R 2450 1890 19 5950 Vayle the Genius
R 2620 1880 19 5950 Avenging Fencer R 2620 1880 20 6000 All Saints` Fairy
R 2620 1720 19 0 Battle Troll R 2620 1880 19 5950 Avenging Fencer
R 2620 1880 20 6000 Bubble Maker R 2620 1880 20 6000 Bubble Maker
R 2620 1890 20 6000 Divine Hawk R 2460 1880 19 5950 Clown Doll
SR 2620 3390 23 0 Eris R 1920 1880 16 5800 Daphne
R 2620 1880 20 6000 Feathercap Archer R 2620 1880 20 6000 Feathercap Archer
R 2620 1880 20 6000 Felpurr Magician R 2620 1880 20 6000 Felpurr Magician
R 2620 1880 20 6000 Heavenly Fox R 2460 1880 19 5950 Guardian Merman
R 2620 1720 19 5950 High Felpurr R 2620 1880 20 6000 Heavenly Fox
R 2620 1720 19 5950 High Gunner R 2460 1880 19 5950 High Fairy Healer
R 2620 1720 19 5950 Lunging Lancer R 2620 1880 20 6000 Petal Nymph
R 2620 1880 20 6000 Petal Nymph R 2460 1880 19 5950 Pumpkin Carriage
R 2620 1890 20 6000 Stampeding Rager R 2460 1880 19 5950 Sister of Punishment

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