[Cleansing Flame]
Reign: God
Trait: Strength
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

R 2250 2090 19 5950 Cleric HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Angelic Armor
R 2250 2090 19 5950 Ogre Hunter HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Beacon Angel
R 2240 2100 19 0 Heretic R 2670 1830 20 6000 Divine Cadet
R 2240 2100 19 6000 Mounted Warrior HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Elven Druid
R 2240 1750 17 5850 Succubus R 2510 1830 19 5950 Gold Fox
HR 2230 1940 16 10650 Pumpkin Lilith HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Guardian of Water
R 2210 1960 18 5900 High Ninja R 1980 1830 16 5800 Siren
HR 2190 2850 20 11000 Golem Master R 2670 1830 20 0 Swordsman
R 2180 2320 20 6000 Hired Adventurer HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Wizened Alchemist
R 2180 1630 16 5800 Skull Rider R 2670 1830 20 0 Wyrmsnake
R 2170 1820 17 5850 Agni R 2170 1820 17 5850 Agni
HR 2150 2020 16 10650 Pumpkin Dryad R 2690 1820 20 6000 Arachne
R 2150 2190 19 5650 Slime Elena HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Glutton
R 2140 2030 16 5900 Werewolf HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Harpist of the Coast
R 2140 2030 16 5900 Werewolf (old style) HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Soma Maker
R 2130 1680 16 5800 Goblin Fighter HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Trapped Chest
R 2120 2380 20 6000 Storm Eagle HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Wrinkled Alchemist
R 2100 2400 20 6000 Aero Explorer HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Apothecary
R 2100 2400 20 0 Brave Angel R 2530 1810 19 5950 Aqua Caster
R 2100 2240 19 5950 Goblin Sorcerer R 2530 1810 19 5950 Birdman Karula
R 2100 2400 20 6000 Haphazard Drake R 2530 1810 19 5950 Determined Knight

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