[Spirit Bond]
Rookie Summoner
Reign: Man
Trait: Intelligence
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HN 1350 1640 14 3200 Snowman Knight N 1290 960 12 750 Rookie Necromancer
R 1350 950 10 5500 Trainee Amelia N 1300 950 12 750 Kelpie
N 1350 900 12 750 Youthful Arachnid N 1300 950 12 750 Rookie Mercenary
HN 1340 1640 14 3200 Blood Mage R 1350 950 10 5500 Trainee Amelia
N 1340 910 12 750 Death Dragon N 1310 940 12 750 Cat Vixen
HN 1340 1470 13 3150 Dwarf Fighter N 980 940 10 550 Halloween Girl
N 1330 920 12 750 Amateur Monk N 1310 940 12 750 Rookie Bard
N 1330 920 12 750 Cuttlemonk N 1320 930 12 750 Wolf Rider
HN 1320 1670 14 3200 Al-mi`raj N 1330 920 12 750 Amateur Monk
HN 1320 1670 14 3200 Lonely Madame N 1330 920 12 750 Cuttlemonk
N 1320 920 12 750 Rookie Summoner N 1320 920 12 750 Rookie Summoner
HN 1320 1120 11 3050 Salamander N 1340 910 12 750 Death Dragon
N 1320 930 12 750 Wolf Rider N 1350 900 12 750 Youthful Arachnid
HN 1320 1660 14 3200 Wyrm N 1030 890 10 650 Aigle
N 1310 940 12 750 Cat Vixen N 1360 890 12 750 Giant
R 1310 1490 12 5850 Guivre N 1360 880 12 750 Baby Shisa
N 1310 940 12 750 Rookie Bard N 1370 880 12 750 Baby Troll
R 1300 1000 10 5500 Aqua N 1370 880 12 750 Cocoa Goblin
HN 1300 1690 14 3200 Gigantic Crab N 1370 880 12 750 Demon Aristocrat
HN 1300 1680 13 3150 Grimoire of Mysteria N 1370 880 12 750 Demon of the Blade
N 1300 950 12 750 Kelpie N 1370 880 12 750 Devil Rat

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