[Mystic Shooter]
Lady Gunner
Reign: Man
Trait: Agility
Rarity: HN

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HN 1720 1100 13 3150 Evil Fishman N 780 1140 10 650 Pirate
HN 1720 1270 14 3200 Mage of Mending N 1110 1140 12 750 Rookie Explorer
HN 1720 1260 14 3200 Mummy HN 1180 1140 12 3100 Skeleton Fighter
HN 1720 1270 14 3100 Pumpkin Knight N 1100 1140 12 0 Whimsical Harpist
R 1710 2460 18 5950 Buccaneer HN 1680 1130 13 3150 Bare-Knuckle Fighter
HN 1710 1280 13 3150 May the Summoner HN 1500 1130 12 3100 Camelot Guard
HN 1700 1290 14 3200 Demon Cook HN 1120 1130 10 3000 Hellhound
HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Dwarf Knight N 1120 1130 12 750 Moros
HN 1700 1280 14 3200 Evil Rat N 790 1130 10 550 Pumpkin Girl
HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Krampus N 950 1120 11 700 Jiao
HN 1700 1120 13 3150 Lady Gunner HN 1700 1120 13 3150 Lady Gunner
R 1690 2300 17 5850 Holy Knight HN 1690 1120 13 3150 Leonin
HN 1690 1120 13 3150 Leonin N 1130 1120 12 750 Puppy Miner
HN 1690 1300 14 3200 Scythe Warrior HN 1320 1120 11 3050 Salamander
HN 1680 1310 14 3200 Angelic Manager N 800 1120 10 650 Snowman
HN 1680 1130 13 3150 Bare-Knuckle Fighter HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Dwarf Knight
HN 1680 1310 14 3200 Halloween Magician N 1140 1110 12 750 Hermit
HN 1680 1300 14 3200 Halloween Sorceress HN 1700 1110 13 3150 Krampus
R 1680 2820 20 6000 Mainyu N 660 1110 9 600 Lizardman
HN 1680 1310 14 3200 Octobishop HN 1140 1110 10 3000 Shaman
R 1680 2820 20 6000 Radiant Witch HN 1720 1100 13 3150 Evil Fishman

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