Skeleton Fighter
Reign: Demon
Trait: Strength
Rarity: HN

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 1180 1070 12 750 Hedgehog of Mysteria HN 1820 1160 14 3200 Tomeseeker
N 1180 1070 12 750 Hunched Robber N 1100 1150 12 750 Aurora
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Key Collector N 770 1150 10 650 Cupid
N 1180 1070 12 750 Luna Rabbit Messenger N 770 1150 10 650 Puppeteer
HN 1180 1070 10 3000 Meliae N 1100 1150 12 750 Young Centaur
N 1180 1070 12 750 Morbid Medium HN 1670 1140 13 3150 Dragon Buster
N 1180 1070 12 750 Mysterian Rookie Tony N 1110 1140 12 750 Fungie
N 1180 1070 12 750 Ornamented Soldier N 780 1140 10 650 Nue
HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Pumpkin Kiddo N 780 1140 10 650 Pirate
N 1180 1070 12 750 Rookie Dragoon N 1110 1140 12 750 Rookie Explorer
HN 1180 1140 12 3100 Skeleton Fighter HN 1180 1140 12 3100 Skeleton Fighter
HN 1180 1800 14 3200 Smoking Devil N 1100 1140 12 0 Whimsical Harpist
N 1180 1070 12 750 Spirit Carver HN 1680 1130 13 3150 Bare-Knuckle Fighter
N 1180 1070 12 750 Zombie Seafarer HN 1500 1130 12 3100 Camelot Guard
N 1170 1080 12 750 Angelic Soother HN 1120 1130 10 3000 Hellhound
N 1170 1080 12 750 Bestia Estrella N 1120 1130 12 750 Moros
N 1170 1080 12 750 Bunnicorn N 790 1130 10 550 Pumpkin Girl
N 1170 1080 12 750 Fairy Marionette N 950 1120 11 700 Jiao
N 1170 1080 12 750 Fleshripper HN 1700 1120 13 3150 Lady Gunner
HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Glutton HN 1690 1120 13 3150 Leonin
HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Harpist of the Coast N 1130 1120 12 750 Puppy Miner

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