[Fanged Memories]
Little Princess Vania
Reign: Demon
Trait: Willpower
Rarity: L

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

SSR 4850 3490 32 0 Batraz L 4750 5350 37 0 Summertime Grea
L 4850 5250 37 61850 Zoe, Restorer of Goldenia L 4760 5340 37 0 Nephthys
SSR 4840 4020 34 0 Akim L 5850 5340 41 0 Proto Bahamut
L 4840 5540 38 0 Diabolic Fabulist L 4770 5330 37 0 Murmur
SSR 4840 4020 34 0 Holiday Cattleya SSR 4080 5300 36 0 Milady
L 4840 5540 38 61900 Loise, Astral Painter SSR 4080 5300 36 0 Saintly Sheep Dreamer
SSR 4840 4020 34 0 Seraph Lapis L 4800 5300 37 61850 Twilight Pleiades
SSR 4840 4020 34 0 Vuella L 4800 5300 37 61850 Wizardess Merlin
L 4830 5270 37 0 Dirge Nott L 4830 5270 37 0 Dirge Nott
L 4830 5270 37 61850 Hopebringer Feena L 4830 5270 37 61850 Hopebringer Feena
L 4830 5270 37 0 Little Princess Vania L 4830 5270 37 0 Little Princess Vania
L 4830 5550 38 0 Magna Botanist L 4830 5270 37 0 Otohime
SSR 4830 4020 34 61850 Marduk L 4850 5250 37 61850 Zoe, Restorer of Goldenia
L 4830 5270 37 0 Otohime SSR 4150 5230 36 41800 Andras
L 4830 5550 38 0 Sylvia the Punisher L 4870 5230 37 61850 Avent Jeanne
SSR 4820 4030 34 41700 Angel Bane SSR 4150 5230 36 0 Bergan
SSR 4820 4030 34 0 Jolly Rogers II SSR 4150 5230 36 41800 Doom Witch
SSR 4820 4030 34 0 King Cyrus SSR 4150 5230 36 41800 Eastern Guardian
SSR 4820 4030 34 41700 Sir Yurius SSR 4150 5230 36 41400 Mia, Angelic Doll
SSR 4810 4040 34 0 Sugaar SSR 3640 5220 34 0 Healing Rhythm Dancer
SSR 4810 4040 34 0 Summertime Queen`s Guard SSR 6800 5200 10 40500 Dark Miku

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