[Certain Revenge]
High Dark Elf
Reign: Demon
Trait: Agility
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HR 2680 3600 26 0 Angel of the Longbow R 2620 1720 19 5950 High Gunner
HR 2680 3600 26 0 Dread Dragon R 2620 1720 19 5950 Lunging Lancer
HR 2680 3600 26 0 Gourmet Huntress Amazon HN 1260 1720 14 3200 Merchant of Bath
HR 2680 2580 21 11050 Great Spirit R 2270 1720 17 5850 Mime
R 2670 1830 20 6000 Divine Cadet HN 1260 1720 14 3200 Porter
HR 2670 2580 21 11050 Inugami HN 1280 1710 14 3200 Frost Guard
R 2670 1830 20 0 Swordsman HN 1280 1710 14 3100 Harvest Girl
R 2670 1830 20 0 Wyrmsnake HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Forest Guard
HR 2650 2610 21 11050 Elaine HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Furfur
HR 2640 3440 25 11250 Apsara HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Giant Horseshoe Crab
R 2640 1700 19 5950 High Dark Elf R 2640 1700 19 5950 High Dark Elf
R 2640 1700 19 5950 Holiday Feathery Maiden R 2640 1700 19 5950 Holiday Feathery Maiden
SR 2640 2360 18 5900 Lilith Liz HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Leanan Sidhe
R 2640 1700 19 5950 War Alchemist HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Oasis Guard
HR 2630 3640 26 11250 Aiela, Jewelled Knight HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Rotting Giant
HR 2630 2410 20 11000 Alberich HN 1290 1700 14 3200 Rune Apprentice
HR 2630 3640 26 0 Ash Dragon HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Seafarer
HR 2630 3640 26 0 Black Dragon Ikushioga HN 1280 1700 14 3200 Tempting Songstress
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Crystal Guard R 2640 1700 19 5950 War Alchemist
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Crystal Remnant HN 1300 1690 14 3200 Gigantic Crab
HR 2630 3640 26 11300 Dark Fairy HN 1300 1690 13 3150 Mysterian Fairy Eri

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