[Fishy Defender]
Guardian Merman
Reign: Demon
Trait: Strength
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

R 2490 2020 20 0 Evil Flower R 2450 1890 19 5950 Marine Swordian
R 2490 1850 19 5950 Frost Knight R 2620 1890 20 6000 Stampeding Rager
R 2490 2020 20 6000 High Kunoichi R 2450 1890 19 5950 Vayle the Genius
R 2490 2020 20 6000 Kikimora R 2620 1880 20 6000 All Saints` Fairy
HR 2490 2370 19 10950 Siegmund R 2620 1880 19 5950 Avenging Fencer
R 2480 2020 20 6000 Feldia R 2620 1880 20 6000 Bubble Maker
HR 2480 2980 22 11100 Paladin R 2460 1880 19 5950 Clown Doll
R 2470 1870 19 5950 Evil Gladiator R 1920 1880 16 5800 Daphne
R 2460 1870 19 0 Avian Birdman R 2620 1880 20 6000 Feathercap Archer
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Clown Doll R 2620 1880 20 6000 Felpurr Magician
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Guardian Merman R 2460 1880 19 5950 Guardian Merman
R 2460 1880 19 5950 High Fairy Healer R 2620 1880 20 6000 Heavenly Fox
R 2460 2040 20 6000 High Tamer R 2460 1880 19 5950 High Fairy Healer
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Pumpkin Carriage R 2620 1880 20 6000 Petal Nymph
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Sister of Punishment R 2460 1880 19 5950 Pumpkin Carriage
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Spear Giantess R 2460 1880 19 5950 Sister of Punishment
R 2460 1880 19 5950 Unifox R 2460 1880 19 5950 Spear Giantess
R 2450 1890 19 0 Demonic Beast R 2620 1880 20 6000 Summertime Werewolf
R 2450 1890 19 6000 Lynx R 2460 1880 19 5950 Unifox
R 2450 1890 19 5950 Marine Swordian HR 1520 1880 14 10700 Verdandi
R 2450 1890 19 5950 Vayle the Genius R 2460 1870 19 0 Avian Birdman

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