[Young Tree]
Baby Treant
Reign: Demon
Trait: Willpower
Rarity: N

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

N 910 860 9 600 Halfling Lad HN 1600 1390 14 3200 Splash Witch
N 910 1340 12 750 Little Nereid SR 1660 1390 10 100 Zirnitra
N 900 1350 12 750 Stone Crab N 860 1380 12 750 Dragon Pig
N 900 1340 12 750 Wight Hunter HN 1600 1380 14 3200 Elf Mage
N 900 1340 12 750 Wise Merman HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Homely Spirit
N 890 1360 12 750 Chorus Girl HN 1430 1380 13 3150 Maidy Cat
N 890 1360 12 750 Desert Merchant HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Rainbow Nereid
N 890 1360 12 750 Mermaid Messenger N 870 1380 12 750 Snake Priest
N 890 720 8 550 Thief HN 1610 1380 14 3200 Turned Merman
N 880 1360 12 750 Apprentice Scholar SR 1670 1380 10 1 Urd
N 880 1370 12 750 Baby Treant N 880 1370 12 750 Baby Treant
N 880 1370 12 750 Wyrm Hatchling HN 1070 1370 11 3050 Elf
N 870 1380 12 750 Snake Priest HN 1440 1370 13 3150 Halfling
N 860 1380 12 750 Dragon Pig HN 1260 1370 12 3100 Lancer
N 850 1400 12 750 Clay Golem HN 1620 1370 14 3200 Navy Sergeant
N 850 1400 12 750 Frogman HN 1620 1370 14 3200 Penguin Knight
N 850 1070 11 700 Rookie Adventurer N 880 1370 12 750 Wyrm Hatchling
N 840 1400 12 750 Archelon HN 1620 1370 14 3200 Yeti Hunter
N 840 770 8 550 Harpy Child N 880 1360 12 750 Apprentice Scholar
N 840 1410 12 750 Rookie Heavy Knight HN 1620 1360 14 3200 Archer
N 840 1250 11 700 Water Elemental HN 1630 1360 14 3200 Axe Fighter

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