[Threadbound Mortal]
Reign: Demon
Trait: Charisma
Rarity: R

Base attributes and ranking according to ATK (left) and DEF (right)

HR 2700 3380 25 11250 Rhinoceroach HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Beacon Angel
SR 2700 2640 20 20900 Saccharine Witch R 2670 1830 20 6000 Divine Cadet
HR 2700 3380 25 11250 Sage Commander HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Elven Druid
HR 2700 3380 25 0 Tragic Mermaid R 2510 1830 19 5950 Gold Fox
R 2700 1640 19 5950 Trinity Dragon HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Guardian of Water
HR 2700 3380 25 11250 Vampire Bard R 1980 1830 16 5800 Siren
HR 2700 3380 25 11250 Warfellow Feena R 2670 1830 20 0 Swordsman
HR 2700 3380 26 11300 Wight Lord HN 1160 1830 14 3200 Wizened Alchemist
HR 2700 3380 25 11250 Wind-up Lion R 2670 1830 20 0 Wyrmsnake
HR 2700 3380 25 0 Winged Lion R 2170 1820 17 5850 Agni
R 2690 1820 20 6000 Arachne R 2690 1820 20 6000 Arachne
HR 2690 3380 25 11150 Master Astrologist HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Glutton
HR 2680 3600 26 0 Angel of the Longbow HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Harpist of the Coast
HR 2680 3600 26 0 Dread Dragon HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Soma Maker
HR 2680 3600 26 0 Gourmet Huntress Amazon HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Trapped Chest
HR 2680 2580 21 11050 Great Spirit HN 1170 1820 14 3200 Wrinkled Alchemist
R 2670 1830 20 6000 Divine Cadet HN 1180 1810 14 3200 Apothecary
HR 2670 2580 21 11050 Inugami R 2530 1810 19 5950 Aqua Caster
R 2670 1830 20 0 Swordsman R 2530 1810 19 5950 Birdman Karula
R 2670 1830 20 0 Wyrmsnake R 2530 1810 19 5950 Determined Knight
HR 2650 2610 21 11050 Elaine R 2530 1810 19 5950 Devil of Vengeance

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